The scary haunted mansion world

Join tour "ghost hunting" at the castle, visitors will experience heart-pounding feeling before the tragic story, and intriguing secrets.

Houska Castle, Czech Republic: Houska is probably one of the castle's most terrifying haunted. That was the gateway to hell. Ottokar II's castle was built in the first half of the 13th century castle Center has a chapel. Yes that one could hear the sound of hell in this chapel.

According to legend, the castle has a lot of mythical creatures, including a monster bearing part man, part bull frog and dog owner. Soul a hammer mad monk is said to attack any visitor to the castle close. They also said he had seen a ghost long row of chained together, holding his head in his hands, was a demon dog torture.

Burg Eltz Castle, Germany: The oldest document about Burg Eltz is from 1157, when Frederick the First assigned to Rudolf von Eltz Earl protect trade routes that connected the plateau Maifeld the Moselle River. By now, the family is still the owner of the Eltz castle.

Some rooms in the castle was used as accommodation for tourists. In it, a room once belonged to the Countess Agnes. Bed, armor and battle ax was still in her room. According to legend, she died while protecting the castle from an unwanted suitor and still possessed the castle until today.

Leap Castle, North Roscrea, Ireland: Leap O'Carrols family was built in the 15th century in the course of restoration, it was discovered a secret vault containing the remains loaded output 3 trailers. Long and bloody history of the castle is the source of many scary ghosts, including the "It". "It" is a bizarre creature, as big as a sheep, with rotting face. Signs that "It" is the smell of sulfur coming and rotten meat.

A ghost haunts the castle is the Red Lady. Many said she came out with a knife in his hand, as if ready to stab someone. According to legend, she had committed suicide after being arrested and forced.

Culzean Castle, Scotland: Thomas Kennedy Knights Culzean was built in 1602 and connected to an old castle on the site. The castle has two famous ghost has appeared many times.

The first ghost is a flautist, appears on the stormy night or before a marriage of the Kennedy clan. The second ghost girl wearing a party dress. No one knew who she was and why she was appearing here.

Chillingham Castle, Northumberland, England: Being converted from a fortress in the 14th century, Chillingham Castle is one of the most famous haunted England. There is the ghost of a boy named "Blue Boy". Boy's cries coming from the room at midnight Pink. After the crying stopped, the boy appeared in the blue dress. His remains were found in a wall of the room when the castle was repaired and brought burial.

A famous ghost here is Lady Mary Berkeley, wife Lords Grey of Wark. Berkeley Mary had left her husband and her sister, she was left alone to care for her daughter. According to rumors, her soul still wander through the castle corridors, searching for her husband had abandoned her.


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